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Keysight 3000/4000 Series
Options and Upgrades

Keysight 3000/4000 Series <br>Options and Upgrades
For Infiniivision 3000G X-series
N2167A Front Panel Cover for 3000G X-Series Oscilloscopes
N2168A Soft Carrying Case and Front panel cover for 3000G X-Series Oscilloscopes
N2169A Rack Mount Kit for 3000G Series Oscilloscopes
D3000AERB Aerospace Software for 3000 X-Series
D3000AUTB Automotive Software for 3000 X-Series
D3000BDLB Software Bundle for 3000 X-Series
D3000PWRB Power Supply Test Software for 3000 X-Series
DSOXGPIB Module - GPIB Connection Module for 2000/3000-X series Oscilloscopes
For Infiniivision 3000T X-series
DSOX3WAVEGEN WaveGen 20 MHz Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator
D3000AERB Aerospace Software for 3000 X-Series
D3000AUTB Automotive Software for 3000 X-Series
D3000BDLB Software Bundle for 3000 X-Series
D3000GENB Embedded Analysis Software for 3000 X-Series
D3000PWRB Power Supply Test Software for 3000 X-Series
DSOXPERFMSO InfiniiVision 3000, 1GHz only, and 4000 X-Series Oscilloscope MSO Upgrade
DSOX3BW12 Bandwidth upgrade from 500 MHz to 1 GHz on 3000 X-series DSO or MSO 2 channel models; Return to Keysight, Additional Charges Apply
DSOX3BW14 Bandwidth upgrade from 500 MHz to 1 GHz on 3000 X-series DSO or MSO 4 channel models; Return to Keysight, Additional Charges Apply
DSOX3BW24 Bandwidth upgrade - from 100 MHz to 200 MHz on 3000 X-Series - 4 channel models
DSOX3BW32 Bandwidth upgrade - from 100 MHz to 350 MHz on 3000 X-series - 2 channel models; Return to Keysight, Additional Charges Apply
DSOX3BW34 Bandwidth upgrade - from 200 MHz to 350 MHz on 3000 X-series - 4 channel models; Return to Keysight, Additional Charges Apply
DSOX3BW52 Bandwidth upgrade - from 350 MHz to 500 MHz on 3000 X-series - 2 channel models
DSOX3BW54 Bandwidth upgrade - from 350 MHz to 500 MHz on 3000 X-series - 4 channel models
DSOX3MSO InfiniiVision 3000 X-Series Oscilloscope 500 MHz and below MSO upgrade
N2747A Front Panel Cover for 2000 and 3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes
N6457A Soft Carrying Case and Front panel cover for 2000 and 3000 X-Series Oscilloscopes
DSOXGPIB Module - GPIB Connection Module for 2000/3000-X series Oscilloscopes
DSOXLAN LAN and VGA module for 2000/3000-X series Oscilloscopes
DSOXT3MSO 16 Channel MSO upgrade for 3000T X series
For Infiniivision 4000 X-series
DSOX4WAVEGEN2 Dual channel WaveGen 20 MHz Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator license for 4000X series oscilloscopes
D4000AERB Aerospace Software for 4000 X-Series
D4000AUTB Automotive Software for 4000 X-Series
D4000BDLB Software Bundle for 4000 X-Series
D4000GENB Embedded Analysis Software for 4000 X-Series
D4000PWRB Power Supply Test Software for 4000 X-Series
D4000USBB USB Test Software for 4000 X-Series
N2733B Soft carrying case for 4000X and 7000 series oscilloscope
N2763A Rack Mount Kit for InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes
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